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  • advantage_CSIT.rar advantage of Channel state information at Txer
  • SFcontrol1.rar state flow program in Matlab simulink.
  • ASP.NET2.0clientcallback.rar ... 件将会因为页面的回发而重新构建。不但用户会发现因页面刷新而带来的延迟,而且页面极有可能回复到原来的状态,即丢失前面所展开的那些子节点信息。对于服务器端来说,因为每次回发的过程中都要处理大量的视图状态(View State)信息,这也会严重影响程序的整体执行性能。在ASP.NET 2.0中,引入了一个称为"客户端回调"的功能,利用这个内建的解决方案我们可以轻松实现客户端脚本和服务器端代码间的交互,从而避免了页面因回发带来的频繁刷新。
  • ConstrKF.rar kalman filter with state constraints lecture and example
  • country.rar ... d like to know where visitors to your site live, add this to your feedback forms. They just choose a region, and the second menu changes appropriately, allowing them to choose their country. (If they choose USA, it allows them to select their state) Neat!
  • tut_embedded_programming_verilog_C_DE2.rar ... the DE2 Board and how to deal with interrupts using C and the Altera Monitor Program. Two example programs are given that diplay the state of the toggle switches on the red LEDs. The fi rst program uses the programmed I/O approach and the second ...
  • tn46_c-code_example_for_scp1000-d01_rev_0.1_.rar ... measurement mode is activated ?Temperature and pressure information is read always when the DRDY pin is in high state Please refer to the document "SCP1000 Product Family Specification 8260800" for further information on SCP1000 register addressing ...
  • state2.rar 用状态机实现密码锁State machine used to achieve code lock
  • Quality_Measures_in_DM.zip This volume presents the state of the art concerning quality and interestingness measures for data mining. The book summarizes recent developments and presents original research on this topic. The chapters include surveys, comparative studies of existing ...
  • Control_so18347512312004.zip With this application you control the soundvolume on a remote computer. You could set and get the volume as well as the state of mute. You could lock the volume so it could not be altered.