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  • sudoku.zip ... 解决数独谜题。包括了内建的数独解法和作弊暗示。也是一个学习用matlab做用户界面的很好的实例。Graphical user interface (GUI) for creating and solving sudoku puzzles. Includes built-in sudoku solver that can be used to solve typed-in puzzles or provide cheating hints if the puzzle is too hard.
  • classicladder-run.tar.gz ... Classic Ladder is coded 100% in C.It can be used for educational purposes or anything you want... The graphical user interface uses GTK. In the actual version, the following elements are implemented : * Booleans elements * Rising / falling edges ...
  • HJ_BSS.rar This is a HJ neural network for blind source separation. User could replace signals you interest in file s4.m. Running main file HJ_BSS.M, the mixed sources would be sparated.
  • Document.rar ALI-5661芯片MP3方案3100版本详细资料。 包含 M5661 Flash Support List_SDK_070122 M5661 User Manual_v1.2_051023 M5661_HiColor_UserManual_051022 M5661FwProgGuide_v1.3_051028 M5661UserManual_v1.12_050304 New IC SAR ADC(brief) SDK Memroy Size ...
  • ADC_cont_irq.rar ... the continous mode. Each end of conversion will call an interrupt routine, where the AD-channel is put to Port4[2..0] and the upper nibble of the result is put to Port4[7..4]. Port 4 is connected to the user LEDs of the FlashCan100P Evaluation-Board
  • UmlEditor_Light_0712.zip UML text editor & user manual Dec2007
  • DOS.rar 在DEBUG状态下,显示中断向量表,找一个空闲的中断类型号,以此软中断作为新增加的系统调用中断。编制一个系统调用服务与初始化程序syscall.asm,要求包括以下两部分内容:① 系统调用服务例程;② 初始化程序:设置新的中断向量和驻留新增加的例程。编制一个用户程序user.asm,其目的是检测新增加的功能调用是否成功。在DEBUG状态下:① 查找中断向量表中新增加的系统调用的中断向量;② 显示扩充的中断服务例程;③ 找到该中断服务例程中使用的数据区。
  • user-manager.rar 描述工厂管理多个工人 工厂类 属性:工厂名称 行为:添加 删除工人 工人类 属性:姓名 (1)使用数组装载工人对象,这里注意当数组满时添加工人应做一些什么样的处理。 (2)将数组改为Vector类装载工人对象。
  • user-manager.rar 一个关于管理用户的代码,管理者能加用户,
  • usu_0_6_vola.tar.gz USb in User space, a kernel module that use usb layer