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  • ucos_ucfs.rar ucFS for ucos and the ucFS user munal
  • efficient_subpixel_registration.rar Registers two images (2-D rigid translation) within a fraction of a pixel specified by the user.
  • calendar.zip This program prints a calendar for a year specified. The user enters a year for the calendar and the programs automatically prints the calendar in text format.
  • user.rar 学习嵌入式应用系统设计,需要有一个好的学习环境,达到快速入门和提高的效果。本节祥细介绍该系统的组成和使用方法。
  • java.rar * File: ControlPanel.java * User:相思无偿 * Date: 2004.12.3
  • reflections.zip 文章User Assisted Separation of Reflections from a Single Image Using a Sparsity Priority的实现算法
  • SLPManet.zip the User Agent and Service Agent functionality of the Service Location Protocol, based on RFC 2608: Service Location Protocol, Version 2 in NS-2.27.
  • vp_bump_map.rar This sample illustrates how to do a DOT3 bump map in Vega Prime. This sample defines the class myApp , which is derived from vpApp, which allows the user to view a simple model of the earth.
  • vsgn_user_vsb.rar ... node type. In this specific example the validation step requires the user to enter a valid credit card number. Any credit card number ... checksum will do (e.g 6011000000000001). Note that the validation step can be as elaborate as the user deems necessary.
  • vsgs_fireworks.rar ... myApp, which is derived from vsApp, and overrides the vsApp::onKeyInput() method to allow for the keyboard input specified below. The sample allows the user to fly around the town database and renders a simple reticle overlay at the center of the screen.