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  • STM32MCKit.zip ... the need for time-consuming development of FOC and speed regulation algorithms by providing ready-to-use functions that let the user concentrate on the application layer. Moreover, it is possible to get rid of any speed sensor thanks to the sensorless ...
  • UCenter_1.0.0_SC_UTF8.zip UCenter的中文意思就是“用户中心”,其中的U代表User也代表You,取其中的含义就是“用户中心”,或者说“你(最终用户)的中心”。 UCenter是今后Comsenz旗下各个产品之间信息直接传递的一个桥梁,通过UCenter站长可以无缝整合Comsenz系列产品,实现用户的一站式登录以及社区其他数据的交互。 UCenter拥有机制完善的接口,经过简单修改便可以挂接其它任何平台的第三方的网络应用程序,随时为您的社区论坛增加能量。
  • USBSimpleExample.zip This project shows the basics of how to connect to and communicate with a USB device from User Space. It is written as a standard Unix tool.
  • FastICA25.rar The FastICA package is a free (GPL) MATLAB program that implements the fast fixed-point algorithm for independent component analysis and projection pursuit. It features an easy-to-use graphical user interface, and a computationally powerful algorithm.
  • GambitGuide(CN)-user-guide.rar Gambit用户使用说明书(中文版)。 Gambit是CFD商用软件Fluent的前处理软件,主要作用是建立网格模型。其功能非常强大,可以建立各种几何体,然后在几何体上面划分网格和设立边界条件,最后将生成的网格文件导入Fluent中进行计算。同时,它也可以导入在CAD、Solid works、Pro/e等几何建模软件中生成的复杂几何图形,然后对其进行网格划分,建立网格模型。 本教程主要针对Fluent初学者学习使用。主要对Gambit主面板上各键的功能与使用进行了简介,讲述了如何建立点、线、面和体, ...
  • Cado4HlpC_GB.zip CadoDraw控件帮助CadoDraw for C++Builder is a development tool for creating graphical user interfaces.
  • CadoDraw42_C6.zip CadoDraw控件安装程序CadoDraw for C++Builder is a development tool for creating graphical user interfaces.
  • pop3.rar pop3服务器的命令解析(user pass stat list retr 等)。其中涉及到数据库数据存取的代码没有给出
  • chat_src.zip ... a CSocket-based chat server/client, which is something that s been very well discussed. Here the display is in HTML format so the user can change the look of the messages he sends. It also has features such as alerting on message arrival and putting the ...
  • src.rar ** File name: target.h ** Last modified Date: 2004-09-17 ** Last Version: 1.0 ** Descriptions: header file of the specific codes for LPC2100 target boards ** Every project should include a copy of this file, user may modify it as ne