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  • setup_tif2823x_v1_0.zip TMS320F2812 SDFlash, allow user program application to fash on TMS320F2812 DSP CPU
  • langlud.rar 在网上很有名的德语语法手册的离线版,经本人整理完成,如果喜欢请关注他的网址:http://home.debitel.net/user/xianjun/german/yu_fa.htm
  • disp189a.zip DISPLAY, alias DISP. The Swiss army knife of DOS viewers. Does almost everything, but a bit intimidating for newcomers. User interface is much improved over early versions, but still awkward in places.
  • vim_user_manual_603.0.pdf.tar.gz vim user manual (chinese)for Linux
  • PCIgenericdriver.rar This a generic PCI express device driver that enable user to access the device without caring much of the PCI express protocol in user mode. An utility program was built to help user in developing the application based on the given skeleton.
  • Some_GUI_Examples.zip That is some example about GUI. It is very good for user to use on BlueJ.
  • skin.rar skin you could use that to make a good user interview
  • Artech_House_The_Complete_Wireless_Communications_ ... at the role of the mobile radio operator, the design and operation of mobile radio networks, the needs of large user groups, and relevant regulatory and government decisions. A final section focuses on career development through resolution of conflicts, ...
  • DisGrCmdLangBook.rar ... and C, high-level language elements can be used withinDISGCL.Thesearevariables,operators,expressions,arrayoperations,loops,ifandswitchstate- ments,user-defined subroutinesand functions,and file I/O routines. An easy to use interface for data input is ...
  • pca.rar pca人脸识别This package implements basic Principal Component Analysis in Matlab and tests is with grayscale portion of the FERET database. Images are not preprocessed and it is up to the user to preprocess the images as wanted, not changing the filenames