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  • ofxPd ... .com/danomatika/ofxPd.git cd ofxPd git checkout 1.5.3 Running the Example Projects ---------------------------- The example projects ... ### For Codeblocks (Win & Linux): Rename the \*.cbp and \*.workspace files to the same name as the project ...
  • external-icu4c ... >allinone/ Contains top-level ICU workspace and project files, for instance to build all ... Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (x86, 32-bit) icc 11.0 ...
  • external-libpng ... Contains instructions for downloading a Microsoft Visual C++ (Windows CD Toolkit) workspace for building libpng and zlib on WindowsCE xcode => Contains ...
  • mmarchetype-model ... Click Finish You should see 4 new projects in your workspace, with the naming convention matching the naming convention selected ... forcedotcom/vmforce/wiki) if you need help deploying an application. 5) Customize the oauth.properties file in web/src/main/ ...
  • GemsJax-2.0 ... (Eclipse Java Project) We recomment to create a new Eclipse workspace to work with this repository. Follow this steps: 1. ... repository with this command: git pull origin master 5. Now your new Eclipse workspace folder contains the two projects ( ...
  • acDumper ... you need to run the program. In "workspaces" you can find workspace setting for Eclipse(R) both for Linux and Windows(R). ... tool, it requires Microsoft(R) .Net(R)Framework(R) 3.5(R). You can get acDumperAgent here:
  • ez ... bin/cloud9.js This runs the IDE with itself set as the workspace. When you open the url http://localhost:3000 in your browser, ... with Cloud9. We have included binaries for OSX 64 bit Intel (10.5/10.6), 32 and 64 bit Ubuntu and Windows 32 bit. ...
  • Vraptor-Blank-Project-Gae ... . USAGE On Eclipse: 1) File > Import > Existing Projects into Workspace > Select root directory. 2) Copy all VRaptor jars dependencies ... App Engine > Select the SDK. REQUIREMENTS - SDK AppEngine 1.5 - Google Plugin For Eclipse: http://code.google.com/ ...
  • smarchetype-model ... Click Finish You should see a new project in your workspace, with the naming convention matching the naming convention selected ... ) Customize the oauth.properties file in src/main/resources 5) Now rebuild and redeploy your application, with the customized ...
  • Reksio ... so provide to much, then too little information. Example configuration file is shown bellow. --- workspace: "/home/reksio/workspace/" build_results: "/home/reksio/buildlogs/" users_file: "/home/reksio/users.yaml" db: ...