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  • fluid-rc2[1].tar.gz 项目描述: Fluid is a server daemon for streaming media. The latest release is built as an API for ... MP3 files, even those with variable bitrate. Multicast now supported. Fluid 是一个为媒体流提供的服务器后台。 ... ,即使其位率可变。现在也支持组播。 来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/fluid/
  • fluid.editor.alpha.zip The fluid editor is a prototype source code editor supporting a "bring from" exploration model.With the fluid editor programmers can avoid explicit navigation between source documents by incorporating related code into the document under examination
  • fluid.rar fluid simulation fluid simulation fluid simulation fluid simulation fluid simulation fluid simulation fluid simulation
  • Computational-methods-for-fluid-dynamics.rar 书Computational methods for fluid dynamics源代码,fortran语言,学习计算流体力学资料
  • Computational-Fluid-and-Solid-Mechanics-(Klaus-Ju Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics (Klaus-Jurgen Bathe)
  • numerical-simulation-in-fluid-dynamics.zip numerical simulation in fluid dynamics
  • fluid-vector-flow.rar it is about the exact segmentation of the image using fluid vector flow
  • Two-Fluid-Plasma-FVM-Simulations.rar A Two fluid Electromagnetic Plasma Simulation Fortran 90 code with Finite Volume Method 1D - EM Wave cutoff from critical density plasma - Electron Cyclotron Mode Tunneling - Cold Plasma Langmuir Oscillations
  • Synovial-Fluid-Properties.zip Properties of Synovial Fluid