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  • UKF.tar.gz UKF for nonlinear system state and parameters estimation.
  • SteadyStateCircuitTheoryforGuidedWave.rar Steady State Circuit Theory for Guided Wave,一份介绍圆管导波技术的英文文献,2003年8月份发表的,我导师在英国留学时的私藏品。希望对大家有用
  • Language_model_learning_in_English.rar state of art language modeling methods: An Empirical Study of Smoothing Techniques for Language Modeling.pdf BLEU, a Method for Automatic Evaluation of Machine Translation.pdf Class-based n-gram models of natural language.pdf Distributed Language ...
  • state_seg.rar xilinx3s400开发板厂家光盘带源码。state状态机、reg
  • REST_cn.zip 架构风格与基于网络的软件架构设计--表述性状态转移(Representational State Transfer,REST)的架构风格
  • transceiver.zip 与通信有关的 % define the state variables. They will be retained to memory between % following runs. persistent state, state = xl_state(0,{xlUnsigned, 1, 0})
  • state.rar 非常好的一个源程序,我们可以一起探讨,很经典
  • SpaceTimeTrellisCode.rar The software is capable to simulate space time code [1] for QPSK modulation using different number of state. Examples of generator matrix up to 256 stetes are provided. Variable signal to noise ratio (SNR) might be applied to produce bit error rate (BER) ...
  • bff-1_0_2_0-vc++-6_0-brew-3_1_5.zip FreeBREW is a collection of open source software for BREW. BREW Foundation Framework provides a multitasking-aware kernel which supports a layered, per-task and per-state event dispatching mechanism to enable robust, state-pattern programming in BREW
  • WinNTL-5_3_1.rar ... and over finite fields and for arbitrary precision floating point arithmetic. NTL provides high quality implementations of state-of-the-art algorithms for: * arbitrary length integer arithmetic and arbitrary precision floating point arithmetic * ...